To activate this dialog in WinRAR select "Settingsā¦" command in Options menu and click on "Integration" tab. The same set of options also is available when installing WinRAR, so it is possible to change the described below options both during installation and later, in WinRAR settings.
You may select here, for which archive formats WinRAR will be registered as the default viewer. It is a good idea to leave these options selected, as it will allow you to open archives in WinRAR simply pressing Enter on an archive name or icon in Explorer or Desktop. You may press " Select All" button to quickly select all formats.
Here you can specify additional file name extensions for archive formats supported by WinRAR. For example, if you have files with ".001" extension, which are in RAR format, you can enter "001" in this field to associate WinRAR with such files and add extraction commands to context menus displayed for "001" files in Windows shell. If you need to enter several extensions, separate them by spaces.
Add WinRAR icon to the Desktop.
Add WinRAR icon to the Start Menu.
Create a WinRAR program group in Start Menu/Programs.
Allows the use of context menus and drag and drop for handling WinRAR archives.
Place all items added by WinRAR to file and archive context menus into submenu.
Add small icons to items added by WinRAR to file and archive context menus.
Choose items to display in Explorer context menus.